This is an exciting new issue for us. It's been a long time since the big pandemic has swept the 2020 and good part of 2021 too. There were not many car shows happened during the time.
With all the major car shows coming back, including Formula Drift and Spocom, this is a great opportunity to introduce the new issue that has all the wonderful parts of the shows.
In this issue, we have Allyson Joy as our cover model with super spicy cover feature spreads. We also have the fast rising start model Lydia, as well as Gregg Hartley from Florida for his work with model Melissa Jean and his Indian Chief Dark Horse motorcycle.
As mentioned, this issue includes the big shows of Formula Drift events including a moving moment at the Irwindale Title Fight event. We also have Spocom San Diego models in this issue.
We are super excited to come back big and will bring more to you all!
You can order a print or digital copy in the following red-box link:

W&HM Collection 11: W&HM #57 - Allyson Joy
W&HM / Wheels and Heels Magazine #57, with cover model Allyson Joy, and feature model Lydia, as well as photographer Gregg Hartley and Melissa Jean. The event coverages include 2021 Formula Drift Irwindale Title Fight and New Jersey event, plus Spocom San Diego Models, and more!
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