Cover Model Angelina Andrada and Friend Charlene Lo In Action for #F1RWheels at #WCCWTShow

 Sprightly Cover Model Angelina Andrada and Friend Charlene Lo for F1R Wheels at West Coast Car Wheel & Tire Show 2015

La Mirada, CA / W&HM Staff
Our sprightly cover model Angelina Andrada, and her cheerful friend Charlene Lo at the F1R Wheels booth, at the West Coast Car Wheel and Tire Show 2015, showed their loves to the attendees, and to our camera, and more cameras, and video cameras too!

Definitely also check out the behind the scene captures during a video filming of the two in front of the F1R Wheels show car!  Also Angelina is our cover model of Wheels and Heels Magazine Issue 23!

Wheels and Heels Magazine Cover Model Angelina Andrada

 Import Model Charlene Lo

 The Dual in Action!

 BTS, Behind the Scene of a Media Video Filming

* To see more coverage and features of the model, click on the labels below in the gray box. * If you have links to other sources of the model, please add to the comment section. * Model, if you like provide updates, or request changes, please let us know.

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