W&HM Cover Models Representing Top Brands At 2015 Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach Expo Captured by Clinton Lum @calibre68 @constance_nunes @ashley2me @arrrrlz

 Our Cover Models Are The Best of The Best!  Constance Nunes, (...), Ashley Twomey, Arley Elizabeth Representing Top Brand at 2015 Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach Expo Show

Long Beach, CA / Photos by Clinton Lum, Text by W&HM Staff

Update: a model removed per request 
- Formula One cars burn a lot of tires, a lot of specialty tires.  That's why some of the most dominating brands of tire companies have big presences at every year's Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach Lifestyle Expo show.  These top tire companies hired some of the industry's most prominent and professional models to represent their brands, putting a face on their products,so to speak.  This year, many of Wheels and Heels Magazine's cover models have been hired to be their brand faces, including Constance Nunes for Toyo Tires, Ashley Twomey and Arley Elizabeth for Continental Tire.  Our Sage photographer Clinton Lum has captured their beauty and friendliness during the show for us.  Check them out and give them a shout out!

Constance Nunes for Toyo Tires

 Ashley Twomey for Continental Tire

 Arley Elizabeth for Continental Tire

* To see more coverage and features of the model, click on the labels below in the gray box. * If you have links to other sources of the model, please add to the comment section. * Model, if you like provide updates, or request changes, please let us know.

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