Sweet Sweet Ty Michelle and Jennifer Angel Ancheta for World Wide Lancer Club at Extreme Dimensions Charity Car Show 2015 @extdimensions

 Our Sweet Feature Model Ty Michelle Together With Race Queen Jennifer Angel Ancheta for World Wide Lancer Club at The Extreme Dimensions Charity Car Show

Fullerton, CA / W&HM Staff
Ty Michelle, our feature model, who has a stunning smile teamed up with frequently covered race queen Jennifer Angel Ancheta showed their support to the World Wide Lancer Club at the annual Extreme Dimensions Charity Car Show at the company's headquarter in Fullerton CA.

Ty Michelle has shown up on our radar map since last year's Auto Enthusiast Day by Nitto Tires.  It was an impressive entry to our coverage and ever since, we have seen more and more of her in various events.  This proves her modeling star power on the rise with this bright star!  We can only imagine how far she can reach!

Together with Ty is Jennifer Angel Ancheta, who always shows her great and warm personality at every car show that we covered, and she is truly a wonderful race queen for the car show industry!  Great job Jennifer!

* To see more coverage and features of the model, click on the labels below in the gray box. * If you have links to other sources of the model, please add to the comment section. * Model, if you like provide updates, or request changes, please let us know.

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