Vibrant and Fun Sydney Maler as Toyo Tires Model at Autocon 2015
Pomona, CA / Photos by Clinton Lum / Text by W&HM StaffToyo Tires has a brand new line up of their Toyo Tires models for various car and motorsports show. Here at Autocon 2015, Sydney Maler, a gorgeous and playful blonde model, represented this cool tire brand and gave our sage photographer Clinton Lum a quick and beautiful snapshots.
Even though there were only a few pictures, Sydney fully demonstrated her fun and cool model persona and made a great impression on us!
* To see more coverage and features of the model, click on the labels below in the gray box. * If you have links to other sources of the model, please add to the comment section. * Model, if you like provide updates, or request changes, please let us know.
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