Gorgeous Models at 2014 Toyota Grand Prix Long Beach Lifestyle Expo by @calibre68


Long Beach, CA, Photos by Clinton Lum, Text by W&HM Staff -
2014 Toyota Grand Prix Long Beach had a big turn out with lots of top models especially for the tires companies.  The lifestyle expo is always a blend of family fun, educational car culture, car shows, and auto related services.  It's a great time well spent in a weekend afternoon, either during the break from the races or any time in the day.
Thanks to our sage contributor, Clinton Lum, we got the first glimpses of many awesome models there!  The Continental Tires came out with our cover models, Arley Elizabeth, Ashley Twomey, as well as Cristal Lee, in their yellow on black uniforms.  The uniform is a great design and greatly accentuated the talents who wore them!  
GMG (global motorsports group) had our cover model Melyssa Grace in their colorful and animated uniforms.  Melyssa is a competitive racer herself, so it is very fittingly to have an ultra modern, dynamic looking design to go with the super talented and skillful model-racer!




* To see more coverage and features of the model, click on the labels below in the gray box. * If you have links to other sources of the model, please add to the comment section. * Model, if you like provide updates, or request changes, please let us know.

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