Anaheim, CA (W&HM) - The fast rising Japanese energy drink company Drive M7, who is closely affiliated with many motor sports actions and activities, is also a company that knows great marketing comes with great promotional models in this industry.
This year at the Spocom super show, Drive M7 has hired several top big named models, including Xena Kai (here), Jeri Lee, Eva Skye, as well as Deena Kacie. We highly salute to their efforts and investments in the models as well as the fans. Great job!
Xena Kai, without needing much introduction, has returned to the car show promotional world this year, after a year hiatus. She is looking even more refreshing, and sparkling bright! Her mere presence at the event would draw non-stop crowd around her accompanied with constant strobing flashes, proving her star power and commanding presence. Super!
We thought the Lady Liberty's crowning on Xena (below right) is very suitable as she is a very recognized icon in the promotional modeling world!
Brought to you by W&HM / Wheels and Heels Magazine
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Brought to you by W&HM / Wheels and Heels Magazine
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