Anaheim, CA (Py) - It was a hot summer-like day and we were standing at a vast stadium parking field. All our senses were fired up to eleven to say the least The sight is full of gleaming reflections from showroom shine quality cars, rims, and booth lights. The ears were filled with loud music, emitting from the main stage as well as multiple vendor deejays. The nose can tell that there will be good BBQ served. And of course, the venue is so big that we knew that it will be a long, but a fun-fill day, and night.
Extreme Autofest Anaheim has made it a really big this year, a now must-go car show in So-Cal. They have many big name models as well as new faces, rather, new gorgeous faces at the show. We saw Elizabeth Velasquez (above) for Spocom in earlier Formula Drift shows and others. Her mere presence just added several degrees to the already hot day! We haven't met the eJuice model before, but she is one of the brightest model that we have seen at the event. And of course, the wonderful Alexia Cortez (below right) is a crowd favorite, and there was never a dull moment when she is there. Great job Alexia and great poster!!
The first time model Bianca (above left) for Spocom shows a lot of potentials. We certainly hope to see her in many shows ahead! Brittani Paige (above right) is the female batman and looking sooo cute!! Claudia Lopez (below left) and Emileen (below right) her friend, are super photogenic!! And Emileen was not even planning to be a model there. Great job you two!!
And we met up the Diamond Dozen team for Custom 411 Magazine! We are so excited to see them there because they represent high quality super professionalism and wonderful fun of promotional modeling! And Franchesca Del Carpio (below right) has graced our cover just a couple of months ago. So so good to see her again!!
Sandra Wong (above left), also our cover model, always looks so warm and elegant for our camera. Totally awesome! And it's always sunny to see Holly Lee (above right) for Infinite Auto Design. Her bright smile is simply priceless!
Raichelle Viado is our best friend, and her (temporary) best friend is so loyal to her (for the borrowed time being...) Awesome!!
Amy Ames (below left most) and the team make the Hollux and Limitless Society look so cool and so So-Cal!
This year's Extreme Autofest is a wonderful event, and is definitely a must-go for all car and model and fun enthusiasts. It was well executed, full of wonderful sights and actions and cool cars and models and metals, in a festive 7 hours atmosphere. It is certain one of the best Andrew Jackson's you can spend for a very good time! Well done! Well done!
Brought to you by W&HM / Wheels and Heels Magazine
#wheelsandheels #promomodel #sexy
The first time model Bianca (above left) for Spocom shows a lot of potentials. We certainly hope to see her in many shows ahead! Brittani Paige (above right) is the female batman and looking sooo cute!! Claudia Lopez (below left) and Emileen (below right) her friend, are super photogenic!! And Emileen was not even planning to be a model there. Great job you two!!
And we met up the Diamond Dozen team for Custom 411 Magazine! We are so excited to see them there because they represent high quality super professionalism and wonderful fun of promotional modeling! And Franchesca Del Carpio (below right) has graced our cover just a couple of months ago. So so good to see her again!!
Sandra Wong (above left), also our cover model, always looks so warm and elegant for our camera. Totally awesome! And it's always sunny to see Holly Lee (above right) for Infinite Auto Design. Her bright smile is simply priceless!
Raichelle Viado is our best friend, and her (temporary) best friend is so loyal to her (for the borrowed time being...) Awesome!!
Amy Ames (below left most) and the team make the Hollux and Limitless Society look so cool and so So-Cal!
This year's Extreme Autofest is a wonderful event, and is definitely a must-go for all car and model and fun enthusiasts. It was well executed, full of wonderful sights and actions and cool cars and models and metals, in a festive 7 hours atmosphere. It is certain one of the best Andrew Jackson's you can spend for a very good time! Well done! Well done!
Brought to you by W&HM / Wheels and Heels Magazine
#wheelsandheels #promomodel #sexy
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