2013 Relaxin in SoCal with Sarah Marie and More

Torrance, CA (Py) - 2013 Relaxin in SoCal is a wonderful show, lots of cars.  Even though the promotional models are limited, we are extremely happy to see Sarah Marie, our featured and calendar model.  Since she changed her color to blond, we haven't had a chance to fully appreciate that.  Her bright personality is definitely a perfect fit for the new color!
She is such a busy and dedicated model, despite the air was full of hard cold wind around her. She held on very well!
She was introducing us the new audio systems that's on the show car.  Even the steering wheel is equipped with a loud boomer speaker.  Genius!!
And the face on her right (our left) is NOT us.  At least you should see a camera lens if  you see us in the picture.  Lol.  She is also showing off her new tatt!  She is a certified California girl!!
And the cool girls promoting the Imperial Show Girls and a tattoo contest.  How could you say no to them??  Why the two pictures?  We just think that they are super cute!
Nokturnal Club had a car there that is perfectly fit for our promotional model theme.  Great job!
And do you know that the date is 5/5, Cinco De Mayo?  We must have a Mariachi band to celebrate as well.  They are wonderful!!

Brought to you by W&HM / Wheels and Heels Magazine 

#wheelsandheels #promomodel #sexy

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