Pasadena, CA (W&HM) - (continued from the previous article)
W&HM: So how do you like modeling?
Carolyn: It's been fun! Enjoy doing it. It's probably been about 8 years.
W&HM: Wow, that's very impressive. Then how do you like acting?
Carolyn: I love it. It's my passion!
W&HM: That's very cool! So what would you think about acting that is different than modeling, besides "acting" per se?
Carolyn: Well, I think there are so many aspects of acting that are more than modeling. I feel like that you can be a little more creative in acting.
W&HM: Very true.
Carolyn: And it's a lot more challenging too. It takes a lot of hard work. Modeling is definitely something that you need to be dedicated to it. But Acting is like a whole different beast. It's fun to tackle something so big and so massive. :-D
W&HM: Sounds like you love challenges. Maybe share with us one challenge that is like really "challenging".
Carolyn: Well, just coming down to LA, leaving the family and pursue your career. That is a pretty big challenge. And to take on a career in the entertainment industry is not very easy either. :-D
W&HM: Indeed! It's not easy at all! You are awesome! Now a totally different subject. What kind of food do you like?
Carolyn: I am an Italian girl, so I love Italian food. And I love sushi! Sushi and Italian are probably my favorite.
(To be continued....)
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