(Editorial/Photo: Py Pai)
Lea Anne P is an amazing + amazing model! She appeared in countless magazines, calendars, features, as well as modeling and promo work. However, behind her chic and cool and gorgeous look, a super charged passion for racing as well as plethora (yes, we learned the word from an audio book) of car knowledge that will make anybody truly impressed and sometimes speechless, as we experienced during our interview. :-)
We did the feature shoot at a local autosport shop called "bbi autosport" (http://www.bbiautosport.com). And this is one very cool shop. The people there were super nice, which made the shoot like a sweet dream, maybe even at the 2nd layer in the inception term... :-)
Here is the insightful interview with Lea Anne, and the wonderful photos from the shoot:
(W&HM: Wheels And Heels Mag.com, LA: Lea Anne P)
W&HM: First off, please tell us your name.
LA: It's Lea Anne P. That's how people know me. And it's also on my fire suit. ;oP
W&HM: Oh, wow, you have your own firesuit??!!
LA: Yup!
W&HM: What's the story behind it?
LA: I do a little bit of driving/racing. Just a little bit. Working my way up on the ladder, you know.
W&HM: Wow! That is so cool. Have you been in any competitions, races?
LA: I started out doing SCCA (aka Sports Car Club of America). Now I drive in different time attacks, PDX events and different road courses in the Southeast.
W&HM: You are the only car model that we've ever worked with that is so WOW! I would say more qualified than a lot of drivers out there... How do you like it?
LA: I love it!! I love getting out on tracks, and spanking up some guys. :-)
W&HM: And when did you start?
LA: I've been racing roughhly for 5 years.
W&HM: Wow! What was the experience like in the first one?
LA: I actually started off driving a super charged Miata. Got too many speeding tickets... LOST my license Haha. Then later on, I got my own Miata and doing it ALL the time now.
Tell us what you think...