Wet and Wild and Fun Alicia Kush Kandy at Westcoast Invasion Chino 2016 Bikini Contest

Alicia Kush_Kandy getting wet and wild at the bikini contest in Westocast Invasion Car Show 2016

The mega fun JDM Sport Vixens model Alicia Kush_Kandy lead the wet and wild fun at the Bikini Contest at Westcoast Invasion Chino car show2016

www.wheelsandheelsmag.com / W&HM Staff

In the last several years, Bikini contests at car shows are slowly getting tamed, and formulaic over time.  We don't see the wet fun time like this one anymore...

However, at the Westcoast Invasion Chino 2016 car show, the bikini contest took a small turn but made a major impression to the crowd!

Alicia Kush_Kandy started her catwalk on the stage with a bottle of water.  As she said, she was just cooling down, as the temperature at the day was approaching triple digits.

Then everything went down wet and
then wild!  And the rest is the history!

Alicia Kush_Kandy

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