Highlights of 15th Annual Extreme Dimensions Charity Car Show 2016 Cars and Models

JDM Sport girls in red mini dresses group shot

15th Annual Extreme Dimensions Charity Car Show 2016 Hit It Huge With Festive Fun for Modified Car Lover Families and Friends!

www.wheelsandheelsmag.com / Py Pai / Fullerton, CA

Extreme Dimensions Charity Car Show is getting bigger and bigger every year.  This year's its 15th annual event, and it's one of the biggest, if not _the_ biggest that we have attended at all time!

The line getting into the parking lot show venue was long in the morning, under the cloudy overcast sky and steam oven heat.  The big parking lot of the hosting company is huge, but filled up quickly and in no time, the whole place was full.

That shows the enthusiastic support from modified car lovers as well as a great way to spend a happy Saturday afternoon.

There were many vendors at the show, and one of the most attractive spot of the vendor presence was the JDM Sport.  Whenever you walk by their booth, there's always some fun commotions going on either with their huge presence of JDM Sport models, or their swanky cars that were showcased in front of the booth.

Our cover model Arley Elizabeth was standing awesome for Continental Tire, which was at a very strategic popular spot.
Arley Elizabeth in black boots with Continental Tire
Among many cars showed up at the event, we first noticed our cover show car Dark Angel from Changster.  His iconic high-artistic rendering paint work on his car is a signature symbol of devotion and never ending upgrades.
 Many cars at the Extreme Dimensions Charity Car Show this year, has showed their Japanese affinity.  Not only there were a lot of exotic accessories or modifications that were done on the cars, there were also great deal of Japanese Manga / Anime character stickers or symbols on many of the cars.
Overall, this is a wonderful event, which has provided a great opportunity for modified car lovers to mingle and have fun during the month of May.  In between several big shows last month and next months, Extreme Dimensions car show has held a special spot and cemented their must-attend car show status.

We say bravo and well done!  Great job guys!

Arley Elizabeth for Continental Tire 

 JDM Sport Girls

 Hiromi for World Wide Lancer Club

 Super cute Lilly Evans for Race War

Rachel Loraine with James's Dark Angel Car

 Jenna Lane for Whistler 

 742 Race War Model

Zara for R1-Concepts

 Awesome Show Car Quick Highlight Teasers

 * Please forward any requests or questions to info@wheelsandheelsmag.com