Wheels and Heels Magazine Cover Model Olivia Korte Always Sunny And Bright, at Road Race Engineering, in MOD2015
Cypress, CA / W&HM StaffWhenever you hear that Olivia Korte, our Wheels and Heels Magazine cover model, will be at a car show, you would know that it is a car show that you would want to go. Never fails, the moment you meet this amazing and sunny cover model, you would instantly feel uplifting and optimistic about the show, about life and about everything. Olivia has a naturally stunning smile and friendly personality that simply put everybody in a happy mood.
This time, at the Road Race Engineering booth in MOD2015 hosted by Mitsubishi the car company, Olivia totally out-shined the bright so-Cal high noon sun and brought the festivity mood to the show. Right next to the booth, like less than 20 feet, cars were doing engine revving and see who can get the loudest without blown out. Imagine the roaring and chaotic fun all around. That's what we talk about a cool car event!
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