An Inside View of the E3 2015 Exhibit Hall on the Game-Thematic Costume Models and Enterprise T-Shirt Girls
Los Angeles, CA / Photos by Clinton Lum, Text by W&HM Staff
After an outside view of the coverage of the E3 show 2015 last week, this time, our sage contributor Clinton Lum has brought us the inside view directly from the E3 show exhibit halls. The gaming industry has outgorwn the size of the movie entertainment, and it seems to be an inevitable path to charge on. Many movies now are based on the best selling games and thus created a dominance of the money, creativity, and communities across the markets.
However, it was similar to the past years' presences, more elaborated costume models were limited in their number. Occasionally you would spot some of them, but it's not thing like the old days, where you get a team of character based models in full costume and actually know the game plays and can also kick most people's behinds.
We sure hope that future E3 will allow more creative display of the space, games, displays, as well as the promotional personalities.
Nonetheless, the great models from the E3 2015 show are here, brought to you by Clinton Lum!!
* To see more coverage and features of the model, click on the labels below in the gray box. * If you have links to other sources of the model, please add to the comment section. * Model, if you like provide updates, or request changes, please let us know.
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