Gorgeous Constance Nunes from Prestige Marketing and It's JDM Yo at 2014 Spocom Anaheim

Anaheim, CA, by W&HM - Prestige Marketing and It's jdm yo! have made some paradigm shifts in the import modeling scene.  They introduced the very talented editorial model, Constance Nunes, into the car glam world that created a new face of the import model image.

Constance Nunes, immediately, you can tell, is NOT a conventional import model.  Even though she is not 6' tall like a fashion supermodel, her slender physique and articulated curves totally make her an amazing high end fashion model or a Victoria's Secret's top angel.  At a closer inspection of how she moves, poses, and projects,  you would know that she is a liver person beautiful and romantic sculpture.  Then when you see her works on line, then you are in for a real treat for the stunning work and tremendous talents that she created with various talented photographers.  It's like reading a French fashion magazine and a totally visually rewarding trip.  That's what we call true talents!

From our perspective, we absolutely welcome this trend of mixing fashion modeling and import modeling.  One can use some real world interactions and make high aesthetics more personable.  The other can use some artistry to infuse to their direct appeals.  This is awesome and we highly applaud the team Prestige Marketing and It's jdm Yo!'s efforts and foresight!

* To see more coverage and features of the model, click on the labels below in the gray box. * If you have links to other sources of the model, please add to the comment section. * Model, if you like provide updates, or request changes, please let us know.

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