Never in our print magazine we have featured a model that we haven't worked directly in the past. All models either in cover or featured, have all worked with us to create those stunning photos. Then Holly does not follow the norm nor just try to fit into the mold. She took the initiative to send her wonderful photos, which were shot by the photographer Francis Gamboa, to us and worked with us to get the feature published. This is the first for our print magazine, and we like it! That's what we call entrepreneurship in her brilliance and pro-activeness to make things happen! We highly applaud her motivation and drive. We definitely consider open the gate for more talented models and photographers and/or MUA/Stylists to submit for their works to be featured in our print magazine. In this case, all future featured models through submission should thank Holly for unlock this hidden door for all!! Our hats' off to Holly! Bravo, bravo!!
We now have updated our casting page to include the submission process if you really cannot come to the very sunny and warm Los Angeles for the shoot. Check it out here.
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Holly Wolf is a very well known model with tons of followers in her social media world. She is from the big land Canada, or more precisely Toronto, Ontario, CA. The 5'7" model has the physique of a fashion model, and so much sultriness that can fill an entire book of glamour arts. Her range is so diverse that you can cast her for a high fashion model editorial, a national print campaign, a futuristic conceptual art project, or a fun playboy classy sexy spread. Her extensive training in the performing art which shaped her gracefulness in her moves and in her poses and in her art of modeling.
You can find all the great work that has been done by Holly Wolf at her website:
while you are there, definitely check out her blog which is very interesting to say the least:!blog/
and lastly but most importantly, if you like to book her, here is the link:!book-me/
* To see more coverage and features of the model, click on the labels below in the gray box. * If you have links to other sources of the model, please add to the comment section. Thanks. * Model, if you like provide updates, or request changes, please let us know.
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