Philadelphia, PA (Photo by Eduardo Suarez, Text by W&HM) - Our guest contributor Eduardo Suarez from Eduardo Suarez Photography, has done a great job in covering the awesome event of Tuner Evolution in Philadelphia, PA! From the pictures sent in here, it's a loud, wild, cool, and totally fun event (just looking at how happy the squirrel head is! Nice!!)
For the west coast readers, or international readers who may not be familiar with the models here, nonetheless, they are totally awesome! Just a quick scan of the bikini contest line up and you will see lots of wonderful models vying for the top honor. Emkay Vee (above) hosted the event and generated lots of excitements!
* To see all coverage of Eduardo Suarez's contributions, click here [int link] and his facebook page here.
* To receive free stuffs from our magazine, sign up here: http://eepurl.com/B9kMT
There are many models at the show so we have to spread them out to several articles. Definitely Jeri Lee is one of our top models as she is one of the hardest working and most popular models in the industry! Stephanie Manescu (fashionably wearing glasses) is looking stunning here!
Krisana Yamapevan (above left) is super hot and so are Christine Elle for AP Bikini Team, and Ammara Lee (below right).
Overall, it's been such a great time that Eduardo has brought us the good moments to share with all! Awesome!
* To see all coverage of Eduardo Suarez's contributions, click here [int link] and his facebook page here.
* To receive free stuffs from our magazine, sign up here: http://eepurl.com/B9kMT
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